Dromroe Village:
At The University of Limerick, students are placed into on-campus accommodations. For the fall 2023 UNC cohort, we were housed in Dromroe Village, often referred to as one of the best on-campus housing arrangements in comparison to the other Villages. The on-campus Villages consist of a set of ‘houses’ that hold anywhere from 6-10 flats (apartment units). The individual flats within Dromroe village can contain anywhere from 2 to 6 rooms, but the UNC students in my cohort are all placed in flats that hold 6 students. Dromroe Village can be seen on a campus map as point #26. It is situated in a great spot on campus, and is about a 5-10 minute walk to the classrooms and buildings that students use.

Understanding Room Assignments:
Dromroe Village houses are each named and numbered with which flats they contain. Some names include Hazel House, Yew House, Birch House, and Chestnut House. The flats are numbered, so you could be placed into flat 20, flat 59, flat 3, ect. The individual rooms are also numbered from 1-6 in each house. This means that each student will receive a Village name, house name, apartment number, and room number. For example, a student would be assigned to Dromroe Village, Chestnut House, Apt. 35 room no. 4.
Dromroe Village Room Layout
Each room is single-style with an ensuite bathroom for students. I found this to be very convenient as it is often hard to make the transition from home to hall style and shared bathroom living. This accommodation allows us to get used to living with other students with the added comfort of a private room and bathroom. Rooms contain a full bed, desk, chair, full body mirror, as well as plenty of outlets and shelving space. Dromroe village does not have air conditioning, but it is unlikely that any students will have a need for it in the cool climate of Ireland. Rooms do come with a heater in the bedroom as well as the bathroom, the settings of which can be personalized to each room in the flat, and do not have to work in conjunction with the other rooms. Bedding is provided to international students, and the desk has an overhead light.
Dromroe Flat Layout:
The 6 rooms in each flat at Dromroe Village are connected by a small hallway. At one end of the hallway is the exit door, and at the other end is an entranceway into a shared living room, dining, and kitchen space. The living area is very comfortable and holds a few couches, as well as a coffee table, a TV, and shelving space below the television to hold cords, games, books, electronics, etc.
A Dromore kitchen comes fully stocked with major appliances, including an oven, electric stovetop (called a hob), one large and one small refrigerator, a freezer, microwave, toaster, and kettle. Cutlery and dishes are provided, as well as pots, pans, strainers, etc.
View this video for a visual tour of Dromore Village accommodations
What to bring vs. what to buy:
When considering what to pack for your time at UL, housing supplies is something you should consider. Luckily, our cohort was taken on a shopping trip the first day that we arrived, which gives students an opportunity to purchase household items that are not provided by the housing department. This alleviates the pressure of packing household items, as they can easily be purchased upon arrival. Speaking from personal experience, there are some items that are better brought from home:
What to pack-
Personal items that cannot be purchased, such as small decorations for your room, or items unique to America such as your favorite perfume or water bottle.
What to buy-
Bath and household items- First, we stopped at Penny’s (also known in the USA as Primark), which is a low cost department store. At Penny’s, you can purchase towels and washcloths, hangers, a bath mat, room decor, as well as additional sheets or duvet covers. The majority of your housing needs can be purchased here. View the webpage to make a shopping list and pre plan your trip.
Dunnes department stores is another good spot for picking up household items, such as ice trays, plastic plates and cups, as well as toiletry items and cleaning supplies. See what they offer on the website.
More Information:
If you are looking for more information on the details of Dromroe Village and all that the village offers, visit the Dromroe Village webpage.
Pros and Cons of Domroe Village:
Dromroe is very close to the main part of campus, with walks to the undergraduate buildings being less than 10 minutes.
Dromroe is also close to 2 bus stops on campus, one being next to the student center and the other close to the parking lot near the Kemmy Business School and Schuman building.
There is a village centre near reception that has activity rooms and study rooms for residents and guests.
There is a chain pizza place, Apache Pizza, right inside Dromroe that has decently priced food.
It is close to a lot of hiking/walking trails on campus that go for miles. Campus and the areas around it are gorgeous so take advantage!
The laundromat has 3 washers and 3 dryers for the entirety of Dromroe Village, and they are not as powerful as the machines in the USA. They often run over the posted time, and the dryer does not fully dry clothes on the first run, and each wash and dry cost €3.50.
It’s best to bulk buy detergent (powder, liquid, or pods) that you can share with your flatmates. Dunnes sells bags of 54 detergent pods for about €10-15.
A drying rack is very useful for drying large clothing items/bedding and towels. They are about €20 at Dunnes.
Accommodations get very dirty very quickly, no matter how clean of a person you/your flatmates are. Without air conditioning, the rooms get very stuffy and collect dust along walls and in corners. I recommend setting up a cleaning schedule for your bedroom, then another for shared spaces with your flatmates (e.g., 2 people in my flat typically cook dinner for everyone and all 6 of us wash our own dish + a dish used when cooking the food).
Deep clean your entire flat when you move in! It is not thoroughly cleaned before you arrive and it’s gross to live in other people’s grime from before you
Pay special attention to the bathroom when doing this - the shower drains grow mold very quickly, bleach this regularly
Take out the trash regularly, this is the main cause for a lot of smells in the apartment especially if they provided an open bin.
The wifi can be unreliable. Sometimes it works great, and other times it can be so bad your devices will automatically disconnect.